How to manifest money in your life

From our early age we are taught that money gives security. And to manifest money you need to have money first, any college degree, or luck, but money isn’t just made, it is manifestation.
Manifestation isn’t about grades, status, luck. It is breaking belief and breaking the pattern of eliminating self doubts. Beliefs such as I am not capable, or smart or I don’t have any degree, or I do not have any status.

It is the process of setting and achieving goals that lays the foundation of making more money. Most successful people come from nothing. They set boundaries to achieve their goals and get started.
For that you need in to invest yourself in resources, invest your time, master a new skill, develop healthy and powerful relationships. That is how you start. Listen with the intent to understand the wants and needs of those around you and be of service to those needs.

Control the way you think about money and use your money before your money controls you. That simply means setting boundaries that keeps you alive with your goals. Be persistent inspite of challenges because the challenges are going to drive you towards your goal. The failure is when you do not take risk, use shortcuts and don’t want to try and want everything spoonfed. Setting boundaries to achieve your goals. In the first place go after what you want, set a goal, take steps to achieve that goal.

Manifesting money starts with the belief that making money is possible, that you deserve it.

Mrs. Manisha Mane